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Before I invite you to begin this journey, I need you to confirm that you’re ready.

  • Are you ready to live in full alignment with your calling?
  • Are you ready to really listen when your inner voice speaks?
  • Are you ready to release all that’s holding you back?

If you’re not ready to grow, this will be a painful process. To have one foot forward and one foot back just doesn’t work here. I’ve worked with enough women to know that an uncommitted approach will keep you in limbo between your old life and your future goals.

You’ve got to be all in. This work is that powerful. Getting in touch with what you truly want and learning the exact steps to get it…this never fails to unleash a surge of changes. So if you don’t want to rock the boat, this isn’t the spot for you (right now at least).

I take personal responsibility as a community leader, coach, and a woman, to guide other women through the process of complete lifestyle and relationship transformation. If you’re on the fence about whether you’re ready to own your true worth and attract the best, most supportive and most luxurious relationships…I don’t want to waste your time and energy.

So let’s check in.

  • Do you identify as a woman who wants more from her life and her relationships?
  • Have you already taken some steps towards understanding what you really want?
  • Are you ready to make space in your life for bigger/better things?
  • Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone when it matters?

If you feel a strong YES to these, I invite you to take the next steps. My free relationship assessment will help you get clear on where you’re at.

Your First Steps Towards Better Partners
and Higher Expectations.

This has been the starting point for so many women ready to raise their standards and attract relationships that enhance their dream lifestyle. After your assessment is complete, I’ll provide recommended next steps that will work best for YOU.


Six months before working with Taylor, I still wasn’t getting anywhere with my romantic life. I have been following Taylor for years, and I finally reached out to her for HELP. I needed to make something happen, as my way wasn’t working. After the first couple of weeks, Taylor shifted my entire approach of how I was going about this lifestyle. I couldn’t be more THANKFUL for having Taylor by my side. In two months, I made back my investment! I found a relationship and have developed a confidence I’ve never had before. I feel like I’m Cinderella. I am in love with my boyfriend, and he loves me (it’s been 9 months, still going strong, & his family welcomed me with open arms). Taylor helped me so much that I ended up extending our consulting because of the massive breakthroughs I was having.. (Source: Podcast EP:23)


…Feeling a little unsure about taking that next step with me? No pressure.

If you’re not ready to take my relationship assessment just yet, consider my private support community the SUBE Society for women seeking powerful, fulfilling relationships.

Connecting in a safe and supportive place, our members get better at setting boundaries. Better at communicating their needs. Better at activating the lifestyle they desire. With the community, support, and connection provided by SUBE, you will be guided forward—Confidently, as an unapologetic woman in control.

Would love to see you there!